EU Commission wants drones for Bulgaria on Turkey border

  Ursula von der Leyen: ‘The most pressing issue right now are at the land border between Bulgaria and Turkey’ (Photo: European Union 2023 – Source : EP) The European Commission wants to shore up the land border between Bulgaria and Turkey with drones. “We can strengthen the border with management capabilities,” European Commission president Von…

In front of Frontex’s eyes. How Bulgaria keeps refugees in inhumane conditions before returning them to Turkey   Video footage and eyewitness accounts show that Bulgarian police authorities are illegally holding migrants in a barricaded hut without the right to an international protection procedure. They are then returned to Turkey. It is also suspected that this is happening with the knowledge of the Frontex forces in the country. This is a…

Escalation of Push-backs from Bulgaria’s borders

Commentary from Diana Radoslavova – Director of Center for Legal Aid – Voice in Bulgaria Since the beginning of 2022, more than 150 reports of unlawful practices of forcible repulsion of asylum-seekers from the territory of Bulgaria, the so-called push-backs, have been received by the „Center for Legal Aid – Voice in Bulgaria“ (CLA) and…

Bulgaria: Migrants Brutally Pushed Back at Turkish Border

(Brussels) – Bulgarian authorities are beating, robbing, stripping, and using police dogs to attack Afghan and other asylum seekers and migrants, then pushing them back to Turkey without any formal interview or asylum procedure, Human Rights Watch said today. “Bulgarian authorities are brutally and summarily pushing back migrants and asylum seekers across the land border with Turkey,”…

Pushed beyond the limits. Urgent action needed to stop pushbacks at Europe’s borders

“The scale and normalisation of pushbacks at Europe’s borders requires urgent and concerted action by governments and parliamentarians”, said today Dunja Mijatović, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while releasing a Recommendation to member states’ governments and parliamentarians outlining the widespread occurrence of pushbacks and related human rights violations at land and sea…