New Report on Applying Alternatives to Detention in Bulgaria Published by the CLA

Earlier this summer, the CLA published the report “Applying Engagement-Based Alternatives to Detention of Migrants in Bulgaria: Opportunities and Challenges”. The report is based on the work implementing the 2-year project “Protecting Migrants with Precarious Status: Decreasing the use of Detention and Applying Community-Based Alternatives”, funded by the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM). From…

A Humane Alternative to Migrant Detention

Detention of migrants is a practice used extensively by authorities across Europe, even though “the use of detention for the purpose of removal should be limited […] and if the application of less coercive measures would not be sufficient,” according to the ‘Return Directive’. The European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM), co-created by the…

“Center for Legal Aid – “Voice in Bulgaria” begins new project on limiting detention and supporting migrants at risk

“Center for Legal Aid – “Voice in Bulgaria” (CLA), in partnership with Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights (BLHR), begins work on a new project focused on helping migrants at risk integrate into the community instead of being detained. The project is called: “Protecting migrants with precarious status: decreasing the use of detention and applying community-based…